Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
As an academic community, Franklin Pierce University is committed to providing an environment in which learning and scholarship can flourish. The possession or use of illegal drugs, or the abuse of those which may otherwise be legally possessed, seriously affects the University environment, as well as the individual potential of our students and staff.
The use of illicit drugs and alcohol at Franklin Pierce University, on University property or at University activities impairs the safety and health of students and employees, inhibits the personal growth of students, lowers the productivity and quality of work performed by employees and undermines the publics confidence in the University. Only in an environment free of substance abuse can Franklin Pierce University fulfill its mission of developing the professional, social, cultural and intellectual potential of each member of this community.
The Federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require that, "as a condition of receiving funds or any form of financial assistance under any Federal program, an institution of Higher Education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by students and employees."
The information that follows outlines the standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on College property or as part of College activities, and describes the applicable legal sanctions, associated health risks and support programs and services available to employees and students.
All members of this community-faculty, staff and students-are urged to carefully and seriously reflect on their personal responsibility to remain drug free, and further, to demonstrate care and concern for others through timely intervention, support and referral.
In addition to legal issues, one must consider the health risks associated with alcohol and other drug use. This section provides general information about the health risks of alcohol and other drug use and the most common drug reactions. For more specific information about a particular drug and its effects, you may contact the campus Health & Counseling Center, local Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous Chapters, or your local hospital.
The text presented here was adapted from Drugs of Abuse, 1989 Edition, published by the U.S. Department of Justice and What Works: Schools and Drugs, 1987, published by the U.S. Department of Education.
A. Health Risks
Drinking in moderation appears to do the body no permanent harm according to some experts. But taken in large doses over a long period of time, alcohol can be mentally and physically destructive, reducing a persons life span by 10 to 12 years.
Alcohol abuse may result in: heart, brain, liver and other organ damage, malnutrition, high susceptibility to infectious diseases, permanent damage to nervous system, deterioration of memory, judgment and learning ability, and inability to grasp reality. Excessive drinking is also involved in a major portion of highway accidents and fatalities, domestic abuse, assaults, suicides, homicides and economic drain.
Alcohol is a depressant that effects the central nervous system. In small doses it has a tranquilizing effect on most people and stimulates others. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines and it reaches the brain quickly, slowing down the parts that control thinking and emotion. This causes one to feel less inhibited. In larger doses it dulls sensations and Impairs muscle coordination, memory and judgment. Alcohol is a drug for which the potential exists for a person to become physically and/or psychologically addicted.
B. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) refers to the amount of alcohol in an individuals bloodstream. A persons size, gender, weight, fat content and amount of food in the stomach will effect the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream. The predominant factor in absorption is the metabolism of alcohol by the liver. When alcohol enters the bloodstream, 95% is metabolized by the liver and 5% is excreted in breath, sweat and urine. The liver takes about one hour per drink to clear the body of alcohol.
The following chart can help you estimate Blood Alcohol Concentration. Remember just one drink can impair your skills and judgment. It is risky to operate any machinery or engage in any activity that requires concentration and alertness after drinking any amount of alcohol. In the following chart, one drink is defined as 1 1/2 oz. of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. of beer, or 4 oz. of wine.
Blood Alcohol Concentration Chart
Related Readings
- Other Drugs Chart
- Federal Trafficking Penalties Chart
- New Hampshire Laws Chart
- Drug-free Schools Treatment Listing
CONTACT Residence Life and Community Standards
Heather Ventresco, Director of Residence Life and Community Standards
(603) 899-4167